
Robot Vacuums For Thick Carpets

Smart Home DeviceOctober 13, 2022

When balancing a job, family, and other responsibilities, cleaning is often the last thing on one’s mind. However, you cannot overlook the clutter accumulating on your rugs or carpet indefinitely, especially given how difficult it may be to remove material from high-pile fabrics. A standard upright or canister vacuum demands your time and effort. However, a robot vacuum can automate the cleaning process and work even when you’re not home, which may be a significant time saver. A few robot vacuums perform adequately on carpets, despite the fact that many struggles.

Best Robot Vacuum For Carpet


We’ve found that the Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI is the finest robot vacuum for carpets. This high-end model includes a dual-spectrum mapping technology consisting of a LIDAR sensor for precise room mapping and a front-mounted camera that allows it to see and avoid minor impediments such as shoes or pet waste that its LIDAR sensor would otherwise miss. Its surface-detecting mechanism enables the mopping function to automatically boost suction on carpets or avoid them. It performs adequately on the low-pile carpet and excels at removing solid dirt and pet hair from high-pile carpets. The vacuum also features an incredible number of automation features. You may schedule cleaning sessions for specific rooms, set up virtual boundary lines and no-entry zones, and configure customized cleaning parameters.

In its highest powerful suction mode, the vacuum can operate for almost two hours, providing it ample time to clean big carpeted areas. However, it takes a considerable amount of time to recharge. If this is a serious worry, the iRobot Roomba S9 is an excellent option and the finest Roomba for carpets that we’ve tested from iRobot. It also features fewer pieces that require cleaning and a bigger dustbin that requires less frequent emptying. It lacks the Ecovacs’ real-time danger avoidance feature and is not as effective on carpets with dense piles.

Yeedi Vac Station

Consider the yeedi vac station if you’re searching for a somewhat more cheap robot vacuum that operates well on carpets. It lacks the Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI’s twin sensor navigation system and is unable to detect and respond in real-time to dangers such as pet waste, but it does include a few capabilities that are uncommon for vacuums in this price range. Specifically, its self-emptying feature, which transfers trash from its inside dustbin to an external dustbin affixed to its charging station, so decreasing the need for manual maintenance. You can also use the vacuum’s accompanying app to set up virtual boundaries and guide it to clean particular rooms. When vacuuming carpets, its surface-detecting mechanism allows it to automatically raise suction power to “Max+” mode. It can readily climb onto high-pile carpets and performs admirably on such surfaces but has some difficulty with small dirt embedded in low-pile carpeting.

Unfortunately, unlike more recent vacuums such as the iRobot Roomba j7+, it lacks a danger-detecting technology that would enable it to avoid impediments such as pet waste in real-time. Before allowing it to operate, you must ensure that its cleaning area is clear of impediments. However, the iRobot performs less efficiently on carpeted areas.

Neato D8

Consider the Neato D8 if you want a less expensive robot vacuum that is effective on carpets. This robot vacuum lacks the dual-sensor navigation technology of the Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI and the self-emptying functionality of the yeedi vac station. However, it offers reasonably inexpensive LIDAR mapping capabilities. It allows the vacuum to build a detailed map of its coverage area, so you can use the vacuum’s companion app to examine its coverage area and define virtual boundaries that the vacuum will not cross. Due in part to its body’s squared-off design, it sometimes becomes entangled in obstacles such as rug tassels or electrical cables. Thankfully, it performs adequately on low-pile carpets and does an excellent job of removing dirt from high-pile carpets.

This robot vacuum can recharge in less than 100 minutes, which is quite quick. In its most powerful ‘Turbo’ suction mode, it can run out of power in as little as 40 minutes. Thus it should not be your first pick for cleaning particularly big carpeted surfaces.

Yeedi K650

The yeedi K650 is the most cost-effective robot vacuum cleaner for carpets that we’ve evaluated. Despite its low pricing, this robot vacuum performs an excellent job of removing particles from dense carpets. However, it has a more difficult time removing particles from densely woven low-pile carpets. It effortlessly manages pet hair on both low- and high-pile carpets, and its brush roll can be readily removed to remove any tangled hair. It can operate for around 50 minutes in its highest powerful suction mode, which is pretty long and generates very little noise, making it ideal for use around pets who are sensitive to loud noises.

The vacuum has a nice build quality and is tiny enough to fit under most tables and chairs. However, compared to more expensive versions, its navigation system is quite basic. It uses random pathing to navigate a room. Thus it may miss certain regions while repeatedly traversing others.

Roborock S7 MaxV

Roborock S7 MaxV is a good if pricy, alternative for those seeking a robot vacuum that can manage trash on both bare floors and carpets. Overall, it performs adequately on carpets but not as well as the Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO T8 AVI. Fortunately, it is an excellent solution for cleaning surfaces such as hardwood and tiles. Its surprisingly effective ultrasonic mopping function, which employs vibrating pads to brush away dried-on material instead of a merely passive system, is one of its primary benefits over the Ecovacs. It also has a hybrid LIDAR and optical navigation technology that, like the Ecovacs, allows it to simultaneously map its coverage area with LIDAR and detect and avoid obstacles in real-time.

It is completely compatible with Roborock’s Empty Wash Fill Dock, which not only empties its trash but also washes its mop pads and replenishes its water tank. This pricey base station pushes this vacuum into a higher price band. Even though this vacuum features a HEPA filter, it is not particularly successful at trapping tiny particles, which are expelled directly from its exhaust. Additionally, it contains quite a few parts that require periodic cleaning, which is typical for a vacuum of this sort.

Notable Mentions

Shark IQ Robot RV1001: The Shark IQ Robot RV1001 performs adequately on high-pile carpets, although it is more expensive than the yeedi K650 and does not function as well.

iRobot Roomba i7+: The iRobot Roomba i7+ is a robot vacuum with an external dirt container affixed to its charging station; thus, emptying its internal dustbin is unnecessary. Due to its lower performance on low-pile carpets compared to the iRobot Roomba S9, it is not the best Roomba for carpets that we’ve tested.

iRobot Roomba i4:  The iRobot Roomba i4 is a robot vacuum that operates adequately on high-pile carpets, but falls short of the yeedi vac station on this surface.

eufy RoboVac X8: The eufy RoboVac X8 is a robot vacuum that performs adequately on high-pile carpets and incurs somewhat modest recurrent costs. In contrast to the yeedi vac station, it does not include a base station that empties itself.

Roborock S7: The Roborock S7 is a good alternative to the Roborock S7 MaxV if you want to save money and don’t want the MaxV’s danger-avoidance functionality. It features a weaker suction motor and provides worse deep cleaning capabilities.

Our choices for the best robot vacuums for cleaning carpets for the majority of individuals are listed above. We consider the pricing, customer comments, and availability.

Here is a list of all of our robot vacuum reviews, ranked by their performance on high-pile carpets, if you would prefer to do the job of picking yourself. Be cautious not to become too mired in the particulars. Despite the fact that no vacuum is ideal for every use, the vast majority are excellent enough to satisfy practically everyone, and the distinctions between them are generally not visible unless you seek them.

About the Author
Colombus possess a wealth of professional, academic, and volunteer experience inside and outside the third sector in the USA and abroad.
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